Tuesday, February 28, 2012

VCOSS response to Protecting Victoria's Vulnerable Children ...

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Victorian Government now needs to act to better support vulnerable children and young people

The Protecting Victoria's Vulnerable Children Inquiry Panel report tabled in Parliament today provides a valuable overview of the reforms required to improve the services and systems to promote better outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and families, according to the Victorian Council of Social Service.

'VCOSS commends the Panel on the work they have undertaken to consult with a large number of individuals, organisations and agencies in developing the report,' said Cath Smith, VCOSS Chief Executive Officer.

'The Panel recognises that improving outcomes for vulnerable children is not the sole responsibility of the Department of Human Services but requires a whole of government approach, across a range of portfolios, including Human Services, Early Childhood and Education, Health and Justice. This is critical as vulnerability needs to be addressed through family support services and child protection and through improved responses by early childhood services, schools, hospitals, drug and alcohol and mental health services. Families must be able to access services when and where needed.

'VCOSS commends the Government?s commitment to develop a whole of government Vulnerable Children and Families and Strategy and to establish a Children?s Services Committee of Cabinet as key ways to promote these improved responses across government.

'The Victorian Government now needs to work with all stakeholders, including community sector organisations, to develop both its response to the Inquiry and an implementation plan to drive improved outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and families.'

VCOSS believes the following areas need to be addressed as a matter of priority:

  • Early intervention: Improve the ability of all Victorian families to access the supports they need, when they need them, including early childhood services, family support, drug and alcohol, housing and homelessness, and mental health services; and enhance the ability of these services to work more effectively with vulnerable families.
  • Education: improve how schools meet the learning and development needs of vulnerable children and young people, including developing more flexible learning environments, and improve linkages between schools and local community sector organisations.
  • Adult and universal health services: increase the ability of universal health services and specialist adult services, such as mental health, drug and alcohol, and homelessness services to be more responsive to the needs of children in their work with the parent or carer.
  • Funding: Enhance funding for all services that support the wellbeing of vulnerable children, young people and families ? including mental health, drug and alcohol, family violence, homeless, and child and family ? by linking funding models to Victoria?s population growth and ensuring funding reflects the full cost of service delivery, and ensuring that workers are fairly renumerated.
  • Out of home care: Extend the capacity of all services to provide therapeutic care to children and young people suffering? trauma associated with abuse and neglect, and to promote healing and recovery, and develop a new funding approach that encourages more flexible responses.
  • Workforce and training: Strengthening early intervention and prevention services demands skilled professionals across universal and specialist services and greater collaboration across professional boundaries. This includes child and family, drug and alcohol, mental health, and early childhood services.
  • Improving outcomes for Aboriginal children, young people and families: Improve the way mainstream universal and specialist services ? including hospitals, early childhood services and schools ? meet the needs of Aboriginal children, young people and families; as well as developing Aboriginal specific responses.
  • Young people leaving care: Increase the capacity of organisations to provide home based and residential care beyond 18 years of age and to provide post care support until a young person reaches 25, particularly ensuring young people have appropriate housing, health, training and employment supports.
  • Enhance the functioning of the Children's Court: Roll-out New Model Conferences across Victoria, establish specialist sexual assault and Koori lists, and improve facilities at the Melbourne Children?s Court.
  • Strengthen the protection of Children's rights: establish a Commission for Children and Young People and within that office, an Aboriginal Children?s Commissioner.

The Coalition Government was elected just over a year ago on the strength of a series of promises, including a commitment to look after families. Victoria?s economic strength rests on the wellbeing of all Victorians. VCOSS sees the upcoming 2012-13 State Budget as a significant opportunity for the Government to commence the staged implementation of key reforms, and we look forward to working with the Government to ensure any reforms promote improved outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and families.

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Cath Smith contact John Kelly ? M: 0418 127 153

Follow the conversation at www.twitter.com/vcoss

Level 8, 128 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
T: 03 9654 5050 F: 03 9654 5749 W: vcoss@vcoss.org.au E: vcoss@vcoss.org.au

Source: http://www.vcoss.org.au/media/mediarelease.php?id=166

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The correct way Periodontal Disease Influences Your State Of Health

It is often discovered in research in which gum disease can be regarding numerous diseases knowing that it?s linked to our health and wellbeing. Research designed frequently has connected periodontal disease with cardiovascular diseases like angina, congestive heart failure, heart attacks, and stroke. It?s also involving cancer, auto-immune conditions, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and anemia. Gum disease is likewise linked to low weight plus premature babies while carrying a child as well as low cognitive abilities just like dementia, Alzheimer?s, plus memory loss.

The vast majority of scientific studies performed demonstrate that gum disease along with the various conditions is which could involve inflammation. Additionally, it determined that there?s an association involving the remedy for diabetes and gum disease when the control over the diabetic condition now is easier if your patients are usually cared for periodontal disease. For clients with critical rheumatoid arthritis, the appearance of their condition will be reduced after their gums were receiving treatment. For the people with inflammation of your prostate gland, there is certainly several evidence that this is additionally connected to gum problems.

Periodontal disease is often a chronic disease involving inflammation, brought on by bacteria perfectly located at the mouth. The systemic diseases in connection with gum disease experience an underlying affect the mechanism of the inflammation. In particular, inflammation may be observed to end in insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions.

Periodontitis requires the lack of bone as well as gum tissues which keep the teeth. This is attributable to bacterial plaque inducing the irritation which in turn gives you the inflammation from the gums for this reason the infection. Experiments have got suggested that systemic conditions show because the variations in the oral cavity which may result the healthiness of the remainder of the body. Hence, physicians at this point cope with other diseases which are simpler once the periodontal conditions of the patients tend to be cared for first.

It is now very clear the fact that mouth just isn?t to get seen as separate entity through the rest of the body. In relation to all-around health, any kind of disease is associated to gum problems. We have to bear in mind that regular inflammation is really a burden as this may lead to diverse diseases in various parts of the body.

We have to keep in mind that inflammation is definitely directly needed for the immune system wherever its correct functioning would depend on genetic factors. Mainly because we simply cannot alter our innate makeup so much, whatever we must do primarily is to consider means to avoid inflammation. This is where standard brushing of the teeth while using appropriate procedure, flossing regularly, getting a water-pick, and also consulting a person?s dentist at smallest twice 1 year will unquestionably enhance not only for your oral health but additionally your state of health.

Learn more about periodontal disease, periodontitis here!

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Source: http://healthandfitnesstips.biz/the-correct-way-periodontal-disease-influences-your-state-of-health

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Monday, February 27, 2012

How Big a Battery Would It Take to Power All of the U.S.?

Image: istockphoto/IvonneW

North America is windy. If the U.S. and Canada had enough wind turbines, they could produce all the electricity they need, and then some, from wind alone. The same is true of solar energy, with even bigger power surpluses. The U.S. Southwest's deserts get enough sunlight to sustain the country's thirst for electricity?20 times over. But both these sources are inherently erratic: winds wane and clouds show up with little notice. Wind, moreover, tends to blow harder at night, when demand for electricity is at its lowest.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, when intermittent sources such as solar or wind reach about 20 percent of a region?s total energy production, balancing supply and demand becomes extremely challenging: rolling blackouts can sometimes become inevitable. The same problem exists elsewhere, notably in Germany, where a vast photovoltaic capacity has sprung up thanks to generous subsidies.

Burton Richter, a physics Nobel laureate who was on a recent panel that studied California's power supply situation, told The New York Times blogger Andrew Revkin that because of intermittency, utilities would need to keep fossil fuel?burning plants as a backup that can quickly ramp up generation as need be. This large-scale load following, as it is called, "can only be done with natural gas," Richter told Revkin.

Of course, if a statewide lull in wind were to last several days, California could buy electricity on the interstate market, as it often does. Proposals for a continent-wide supergrid that can ferry large amounts of power coast to coast are in part predicated on the idea that "the wind always blows somewhere." Also helpful would be to make the grid smarter, so that users, prompted by dynamic pricing, would buy the energy they need when it is abundant and dial down their use when the cost goes up.

Experts, however, are increasingly skeptical that even supergrids or smart grids would suffice to cover the intermittency of wind and solar power. The solution, they say, must include storing massive amounts of energy for later use. Ideally, the U.S. could build a really gigantic battery and be done with it. But we are talking gigawatts (billions of watts) of power, and such a battery would be prohibitively expensive, at least with current technology.

Fortunately, two types of large-scale energy storage exist that are already mature and economically feasible?and some more futuristic ones are also promising?as I describe in the article "Gather the Wind," in the March 2012 issue of Scientific American. These two technologies are less flashy than the ones the media usually likes to cover?they are decidedly "more Flintstones than Jetsons," as one online trade journal put it. One involves pumping water uphill, the other one involves compressing air.

A pumped-hydro facility consists of two reservoirs with a substantial drop in height between them. When there is excess electricity to go around, electric pumps move water from the lower reservoir into the upper one, thereby storing energy in the form of gravitational potential energy. When wind and solar wane or simply cannot keep up with demand, operators let water flow down and through turbines, generating electricity. In compressed-air facilities, excess electricity pumps air into underground caverns, and it is later released at high pressure to turn turbines.

Pumped hydro has been used for decades to balance the load on large U.S. grids. About 2.5 percent of the electricity used by U.S. consumers has cycled through one of these plants. In Europe the amount is 4 percent and in Japan 10 percent. But how much storage capacity would the North American grid need to stay reliable as more wind and solar comes online?

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=6b64eb57f5d7936a224ae8624d1d0629

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Benefits Of Being Optimistic

Article Directory :: Self-Improvement/Motivation Articles

Optimism, or as the Oxford Dictionary defines it, "hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something," is an essential aspect of every successful person's life. Optimism is hope beyond the difficult times, positivity despite failure, and the ability to see good despite adversity.

With all the disappointments in life we go through, we are often tempted to give up. Sometimes, quitting seems to be the better option, but we all know that a quitter never gets anywhere significant. A positive or optimistic person, on the other hand, picks up the pieces, moves on and perseveres. He sees the beauty behind ugliness, and hope when there seems to be none.

It is safe to say that an optimistic person has better chances of being successful - but only if the optimism comes with hard work, sacrifice, skill and knowledge. Here are some other benefits optimism can bring a person.

They have better chances of greater achievement. Feeling downtrodden makes a person achieve less than he actually can. Imagine doing something with the underlying thought that "you can't do it?" You psyche your mind and body up for failure - which makes all your efforts half-hearted, and forced. Pessimists waste their energy doing things , but do it while believing that they will never be successful. Of course you will never be successful - it's what you conditioned your mind to believe! When you believe you can do it, you will. When you believe that you can't, then you won't. Your body and mind only reacts in the direction you want it to go.

If you, however, convince yourself that you will be successful, then even if you are not as mentally or physically adept, you will find the strength and perseverance to look beyond your inequities and achieve more than you thought possible. Attitude has heaps to do with achievement. Optimism gives you hope when all else has failed you.

Optimistic people are more persistent. This, perhaps, is what separates a person with a positive attitude from one with a negative attitude. Optimists do not give up easily. They persevere despite the odds. There are some optimists who failed in business, but their own positivity gave them the drive to get up and try again. As a result, they achieved more, because they didn't quit. Persistence is key to surviving life, because even if life has dealt us bad cards, and even if you choose to sulk in a corner, the world will still continue turning. Persistence is getting up after a fall. Persistence is doing better to get better results. The lack of persistence is a sure recipe for failure.

Optimistic people generally have better emotional health. Because they only see the good side of life, optimistic people are more emotionally fulfilled. Even when they fail, they are happy with the fact that they tried their best and gave it their all. Optimistic people also generally handle setbacks better than pessimistic ones. They are able to see the silver lining behind every bad situation. They are willing to wait, and are generally more patient. They know that there is a right time for everything, and that no one gets everything they want without waiting. They are also generally more confident, and are more willing to step outside their comfort zones.

They are more fun to be around. This is probably what sets an optimist way above the pessimist - they have more friends, because they are happy and contented people?inspiring others to do their best and make the best out of every situation. Nobody likes to be around a bitter, unmotivated individual - they suck the life out of people they come in contact with. Pessimists don't feel happy for the success of others, and are more prone to envy. Instead of altering their negative views, they sit and sulk, and hope everyone else is as miserable as they are. Optimists, on the other hand, motivate others to achieve their full potential, They like praising people and encouraging them to be happy. It's such a joy being around an optimistic person - you temporarily forget about the trivialities of life, and are more inclined to spend your conversations with them laughing and enjoying. Now isn't that a great thing?

Less Stress = generally better health condition. There are some studies that prove that people with positive attitudes tend to have better health (although we're not discussing that in detail here). But people who are negative worry too much and think of negative outcomes, thus affecting their eating, sleeping and socialization patterns. This has a direct effect on a person's blood pressure, as well as the beating of his heart. In fact, too much worrying may bring one closer to a stroke?but it should be noted that too much laughing also does induce a heart attack. Well, too much of everything will have an effect on one's health. Over-all, optimists are better with stress management, and are more likely to seek medical attention if they feel "queer." Of course we are not implying that positivity is the answer to all health problems, but it does prevent most illnesses from taking over your physical body.

If you need more proof of why you must learn to be more optimistic, then maybe you do need to make small changes. It's not going to be super easy, it entails sacrifice and a complete revamp of how you view things, but the benefits are priceless - you make better use of the life given you.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit http://www.mysuperlifetoday.com

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A Guide To Reclaiming Family Heirlooms Send Margot Love

[unable to retrieve full-text content]It's been one hundred years and in that time span, families change. Babies are born, loved ones pass away, others leave home. Something as simple as a hairbrush may not seem like much, but when it becomes a family ...

Source: http://www.sendmargotlove.com/a-guide-to-reclaiming-family-heirlooms/

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Report: UK pol head-butts rival in bar

Eric Joyce was arrested after a late-night disturbance at a bar.

By msnbc.com staff

LONDON ? A member of parliament has been suspended by the Labour Party after he was arrested for allegedly punching and head-butting a rival politician during a disturbance at a bar in the House of Commons, British media reported.

Eric Joyce, 51, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of assault in the Strangers Bar, which is reserved for MPs and their guests, the BBC reported.

Media reports said Stuart Andrew, a lawmaker from the ruling Conservative Party, claimed he was punched and head-butted during the fracas.

Scotland Yard confirmed that police had arrested a man in his 50s following a disturbance at the bar.

"This is an extremely serious incident. We have suspended Eric Joyce pending the results of the police investigation," a Labour Party spokesman said.

Andrew, MP for Pudsey, a town in West Yorkshire, responded to concerns about his welfare by tweeting: "I'm ok."

Joyce remains an MP but cannot take the Labour whip in the Commons until the completion of a police investigation, according to the BBC.

Joyce, a former soldier, has been the member of parliament for Falkirk in Scotland since 2000, according to media reports.

More from msnbc.com and NBC News:

Source: http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/02/23/10488549-report-uk-pol-head-butts-rival-in-bar

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Countless Completely New Are Both Battery-and Gas-powered ...

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Tags: auto, car reviews, house, keys, loans, Review, sales

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Source: http://www.glasgowhumanesociety.org/countless-completely-new-are-both-battery-and-gas-powered-regardless-of-minimal-sports-car-gross-sales/

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Advantages Of SEO For Small Business | THE BEST PUBLISHERS ...

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SEO for small business is gaining large popularity between small and local businesses online. as a result of economic recession and rising competition, a lot of businesses are struggling for their survival. Nonetheless, the growing employ of internet has opened up chances to market products and providers to billions of online clients. Yet promoting and selling merchandise or services on internet isn?t simple. On the contrary, it?s very hard to market online. This is particularly true in case of small enterprises that have to face cut throat competition from large multinational corporations. So, how need to small business promote and sell products online? SEO for small business is the most ideal solution for small business enterprises.

Many small business owners have comprehended the growing significance of Search engine optimisation or internet search engine optimization to market and succeed on internet. Internet search engine optimization is an online marketing method aimed at increasing the search ranking of a web-site for particular search phrases search. But the presence of plenty big business organizations poses a threat to small enterprises to survive and market online. Nevertheless, internet supplies a good chance to small business to market their products regionally and survive in this competitive world. And SEO for small business helps to attain this aim.

SEO for small business is an online marketing tool which aims to advance the search ranking of a site for local keywords and phrases search. In other words, it is local search merchandising that improves the search ranking of a business web-site for local keywords and phrases search. For instance, if a local business in Dallas provides TV repairs providers, it?ll obviously target local customers in Dallas. So, the TV repairs business in Dallas will use key terms like TV repairs in Dallas or greatest TV repairs companies Dallas in the body of the content of its business web-site. When clients will perform search with all of these search phrases , there are likely chances that this web-site will come up on the 1st page of search engine results. And probable customers are likely to visit the site to hire the companies for mending their TVs. Thus, local search marketing is rather valuable to small and local business that targets local customers. This gives an gain to small and local business to market their items or assistance to targeted local customers efficiently compared to large business organizations that target global clients.

In addition to this, small business owners can use the same keyword phrases for their Adwords campaign for strengthening their site?s search ranking. Aside from this, promoting the internet site in classified sites, forums, press releases, online newspapers, article directory sites, social sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc also assist to get plenty of back links to the internet site. More back-links means more traffic and developed search ranking. resulting from such positive aspects, small and local business enterprises are using SEO for small business to promote their business and succeed online.

Georgette Adanas has been writing articles or reviews on SEO for small business since 2001.

Source: http://thebestpublishers.com/2012/02/22/advantages-of-seo-for-small-business/

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Melanoma Drug May Extend Survival (HealthDay)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]HealthDay - WEDNESDAY, Feb. 22 (HealthDay News) -- Melanoma that has spread
to other areas of the body is almost always fatal, but a new drug appears
to double survival for those with a certain type of this skin cancer,
researchers report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/cancer/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20120223/hl_hsn/newmelanomadrugmayextendsurvival

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Motorola Solutions Redefines Professional Communications with ...

LAS VEGAS?(BUSINESS WIRE)?Motorola Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: MSI) today unveiled the SL Series portable and the XPR 5000 mobile radio series as the latest additions to MOTOTRBO, its professional digital communications portfolio that meets the requirements of narrowbanding. MOTOTRBO delivers exceptional voice quality, extended battery life, increased capacity and the industry?s largest application developer program for increased productivity and enhanced worker safety.

The SL Series is the world?s thinnest, lightest Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) portable, designed to meet the communication needs of business users and executives in industries such as hospitality, services, security and airlines. The radio?s slim design and unique features enhance the level of professionalism and discretion so users can provide superior customer service and faster response times.


  • The SL Series has a rugged, high-resolution color display with a built-in photo sensor that automatically detects ambient lighting and adjusts the display brightness for optimal viewing in all lighting conditions.
  • The radio has Intelligent Audio, which automatically adjusts the radio?s volume to fit background noise so users will not miss calls in a high-noise environment or disturb others in quiet areas.
  • Integrated Bluetooth? audio allows users to connect Bluetooth audio accessories without an external adaptor. Motorola offers exclusive operations critical wireless earpieces specifically designed for two-way radio users, allowing employees more mobility and to converse discreetly. The radio also supports Bluetooth data connectivity to wirelessly transfer data between the radio and other devices such as barcode scanners, mobile computers or mobile printers.
  • The radio delivers loud and clear audio with voice announcement for confirmation of channels, zones and programmable buttons. The SL Series offers three programmable option buttons that allow up to nine favorite features to be programmed for easy access.
  • The SL Series supports the industry?s largest portfolio of data applications, such as work order ticket management, e-mail, dispatch, network monitoring and telephone interconnect.
  • The radio also offers vibrate alert, covert mode and an integrated antenna design that optimizes range performance ? all of which are designed for ease of use and discreet communication.
  • For even more discretion and flexible communications, the SL Series includes a comprehensive portfolio of earpieces, single-unit and multi-unit chargers, and a flexible wrist strap or swivel belt clip carry holder for enhanced portability.


  • The XPR 5000 mobile radio series features a full-color display, making it easy for users in the public administration, utilities and transportation markets to view contact lists, text messages and applications.
  • The XPR 5000 Series is a fully-featured analog and digital mobile radio family that transforms the enterprise by delivering exceptional voice and data communications with best-in-class audio that includes Intelligent Audio and customizable voice announcement, integrated GPS and text messaging.
  • It also offers integrated Bluetooth audio and data, allowing users to connect Bluetooth audio accessories without an external adaptor. Users can wirelessly transfer data between the radio and other devices such as barcode scanners, mobile computers or mobile printers.


Jeff Spaeth, corporate vice president, Radio Products and Accessories, Motorola Solutions

?Motorola Solutions? customers in many markets, including management and customer-facing staff, wanted a lightweight and compact radio ? one that can easily be worn under a jacket for discreet use while it looks good and is easy to use. They wanted a large, simple-to-read display to help improve texting and access to applications such as work-order ticket management. We designed the SL Series to meet these needs and help customers collaborate and communicate more efficiently.?

Bruce Claxton, senior director, Innovation and Design, Motorola Solutions

?We are taking the MOTOTRBO platform to the next level with the SL Series ? our smallest, thinnest-ever digital two-way radio ? a product ideal for those users who value small size and discretion. Creating revolutionary and innovative products is a priority for Motorola Solutions. Through intensive user research, we listened to our customers? needs and came up with a truly game-changing device with the SL Series.?

Brian Seays, regional IT director, Peabody Hotel Group, Florida

?Communication is everything and is truly the difference between being a successful hotel and just an effective hotel. To maintain our rating of a four star, four diamond quality hotel, we need to be able to quickly mobilize and act on behalf of our quests. The MOTOTRBO system and the SL Series radios help us achieve that level of service. The SL Series radio is by far a significant change in two-way radio design. The staff loves it; they have a nice device that is small and easy to use. As management, you?re going in and out of meetings, and your wardrobe really doesn?t lend itself to carrying a bulky radio on your belt. This device is a great size that meets our needs.?


About Motorola Solutions

Motorola Solutions is a leading provider of mission-critical communication solutions and services for enterprise and government customers. Through leading-edge innovation and communications technology, it is a global leader that enables its customers to be their best in the moments that matter. Motorola Solutions trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker ?MSI.? To learn more, visit www.motorolasolutions.com. For ongoing news, please visit our?media center or subscribe to our news feed.

MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ?2012 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Motorola Solutions Redefines Professional Communications with World?s Thinnest, Lightest Digital Radio in its Class

Rev :191

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Source: http://www.enterprisecommunicate.com/motorola-solutions-redefines-professional-communications-with-worlds-thinnest-lightest-digital-radio-in-its-class/

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Falcone sticks with plan, hit by lawsuit (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Hedge fund manager Philip Falcone told investors he is sticking by plans to build a national mobile broadband service even as an investor charged in a lawsuit that he deceptively raised billions of dollars that went to the struggling venture.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/internet/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120218/media_nm/us_hedgefunds_falcone

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Health Advice For Hollywood And Women Mid/Post-Divorce-Author ...

Boca Raton, FL (PRWEB) January 15, 2006

Aniston-Pitt. Richards-Sheen. Simpson-Lachey. Romijn-Stamos. Hollywood is buzzing with divorce in the headlines, and while the world gawks at the ?news,? one vital thing is missing?. Health Advice for the over-stressed women of divorce who have even more stress if they are going through their divorce in the Hollywood spotlight. Emotional, mental/psychological, spiritual, physical and sexual health. Author, Amy Botwinick, Author of ?Congratulations on Your Divorce: The Road To Finding Your Happily Ever After? is pro-actively gathering a collective network of health professionals together to help share the message about the effects divorce can have on the mind, body and spirit. From promoting vibrators via her website http://www.divorcesextoys.com; to her book and the long list of resources and information at http://www.todaysdivorcedwoman.com, Botwinick?s mission of benefiting women?s shelters with the proceeds from book and product sales, while generating constant messages about health, safety and well-being is her own journey, as a divorced woman helping women. Dr. Joan Torgersen Magill, Licensed Psychologist/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist/Certified Sport Psychologist describes Botwinick?s book as ?essential? for women considering or going through a divorce. ?As a stress management specialist, this clinician endorses her writings for the stress reduction possibilities, alone, though there is much else here, as well,? states Magill.

Botwinick explains how women going through divorce, like Jessica Simpson can benefit from stress reduction. ?Stress is a by product of a primitive instinct called ?fight or flight? that helped us escape dangerous situations during our prehistoric past. Women of divorce can range from young brides like Simpson, to women who have been married for years and into their fifties ? divorce does not differentiate by age or celebrity, especially when it comes to stress, effects on health and safety. I?m here to share information. If I had just five minutes with Jessica Simpson, I would tell her about sexual safety and stress, first and foremost. She has a stressful profession ? and particularly with her and Lachey going through their divorce in the ?Hollywood spotlight? ? added stress. If the level of stress created over a prolonged period of time is ignored, it can cause life threatening illness and symptoms that can create considerable consequences mentally and physically. In terms of sex ? we all commended Simpson for being a virgin when she got married, but not being married anymore doesn?t mean she has to deny her God-given sexual urges. That?s why vibrators are a safe-sex alternative, when emotionally healing during a divorce.?

While the message of safe sex is nota new one, it may be a message worth re-exploring for women of divorce, who have been in monogamous relationships with their spouse. ?As the divorced woman re-enters the dating scene, it is essential to realize that along with the excitement and pleasure found in a new relationship, there are potential dangers that accompany physical intimacy. There are roughly 70 million people infected with one of 25 sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases do not discriminate based upon age or marital status. However, transmission is almost always preventable. Be smart, be safe, and do not be afraid to consult your gynecologist for any questions regarding STD prevention,? states Dr. David Lubetkin,who is an OBGYN.

Botwinick as a divorced woman and as a chiropractor for twelve years, says she?s discovered many wonderful conventional and unconventional ways to heal on all levels. ?I have treated many chiropractic patients with physical symptoms resulting from stress resulting from divorce. Patient complaints included tension headaches, migraines, back pain, muscle tightness, TMJ, upset stomach, nervous twitches and more. . As a primary health care provider I believe every patient should have a team of traditional and alternative healing professionals available to them along their journey, especially as they transition through the uncoupling process,? states Botwinick.

Botwinick practices what she preaches. She sought out the help of Dr. Brian Sheen, Executive Director of The Quantum Healing Center, Delray Beach Florida (http://www.spiritgrowth.com) for her own wellness and divorce recovery. ?Divorce is powerful time for personal reassessment to look within for healing and growth. Unless a deep search of the underlying issues that brought you into the relationship and then out of it are undertaken with professional direction, the chances are there will be piles of blame, regret and resentment that will distort and prevent a healthy relationship in the future,? states Sheen.

This first-time author shares her own journey in a helpful girlfriend-to-girlfriend conversational guide to help women through the divorce process and beyond. Botwinick is currently enjoying her ?happily ever after.? She is a divorced mother of two, and has been a chiropractor for the last twelve years and has held a teaching position at a local college. Her business for over a decade has been about listening, learning and helping others. Amy?s research and writing convey a directness and honesty that comes from personal experience.

There are over two million divorces in the U.S. each year. Cinderella?s prince charming has either turned into a toad or run off with Sleeping Beauty. Left in the pixie dust are millions of women looking in the mirror each morning wondering, now what? Congratulations on Your Divorce: The Road to Finding Your Happily Ever After (Health Communications, Inc.; December 2005; $ 12.95) by Amy Botwinick explores all facets of divorce: from making the decision, surviving the legal battles and getting on with life. Through the author?s own experiences and those of other women, Congratulations on Your Divorce prepares readers for the road ahead: how to get through the business of divorce with humor and aplomb, get beyond the bitterness and on to a healthy, happy life.

This is not another dry book about the process of divorce from a lawyer or psychologist. Congratulations on Your Divorce is fun and uplifting and for women only. The author shares her own struggles, emotional foibles and stories from others, to help the reader through her own emotions. A special section on the male perspective opens the door to the workings of the male mind, helping readers find some common ground with their ex or soon-to-be ex, making an easier transition to ?uncoupling.?

Sections of the book include: Making peace with your decision, taking stock of the financial situation, dealing with reactions from family and friends, the legal three-ring circus, forgiving and letting go, dating and new relationships, and telling and helping the children.

Congratulations on Your Divorce is a breath of fresh air that helps the reader transform her feelings of being trapped to feelings of empowerment. It describes the world of divorce?warts and all?with some much-needed comic relief and heart. The reader will realize she?s not alone as she learns how other women have coped with the emotional craziness of uncoupling, jettisoned their emotional baggage, and gotten back on the road to defining and finding their happily ever after.

Amy Botwinick?s South Florida Book Tour:

The book signing:

January 19, 2006 ? 7:30 p.m. * Borders Books * 9887 Glades Rd. * Boca Raton, FL 33434 561-883-5854

The event: The Road To Finding Your Happily Ever After: Amy Botwinick shows you how ? with self-love and rediscovery, empowerment, helpful tips on ?A New Year and New You? outlook on love, healing and relationships with a sneak preview of ?Surviving Valentine?s Day After Divorce? with emphasis on girly retail therapy where proceeds help victims of domestic violence ? benefiting AVDA.

Buy the book and get it signed ? Meet Author, Amy Botwinick. All those who show up for the book signing at 7:30 p.m. will be entered in a special prize drawing! Drawing takes place at 8 p.m. for the following ?New Year, New You ? Self-Love? prizes from Boca Raton: Mario and Co.$ 50 gift card; The Oaks Spa ? European Facial-75$ value; 1 hour Swedish massage-75$ value and Meals on Wheels, Inc.- Meals on the Move-25$ gift certificate. Prizes from Delray Beach: Gregory?s Fine Jewlery $ 300 gift card; Table for Two- Arline McNally $ 25 gift card; L Boutique $ 50 gift card; Sue at Cucina Rosano $ 50 gift card

The book signing:

February 9th, 2006 ? 7:00 p.m.

Barnes & Noble Booksellers * University Commons * 1400 Glades Rd. * Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-750-2134

The event: Suddenly Single: The Valentine?s Day Celebration Survival Kit -Live. Buy the book and get it signed? Meet Amy Botwinick, Author of ?Congratulations On Your Divorce: The Road To Finding Your Happily Ever After.? From journaling, humor and music therapy, come share the fun Survivalfest where Botwinick will share the top reasons why it?s great to be ?suddenly single? during Valentine?s Day. Learn why ?self-love? is the greatest love of all so you have more to contribute to a relationship, and how to surround yourself with feelings of positivity and liberation of enjoying a great single life. Come to this fun-filled event and leave with a tickled mind, a warmed heart, inspired spirit, laughter and more.

The book signing:

February 16, 2006 ? 7:30 P.M. Borders Books * 19925 Biscayne Blvd. * Aventura, FL 33180

The event:

?Love Thyself? Stress-Healing Education. The Road To Finding Your Happily Ever After: Author and Chiropractor, Amy Botwinick shows you how to literally get the ?stress off your back? and out of your relationships- whether you?re in a stressed relationship, going through a divorce, or post-divorce. Learn how relationships, divorce and break-ups in general affect the mind, heart and the body. Botwinick shows you how to get your mind set for the ultimate empowering motivational strategies for better health with tips for emotional, psychological, physical health and safety, including an introduction to the women?s shelter services of AVDA and other women?s charities that support wellness, healing and growth.

Congratulations On Your Divorce: The Road To Finding Your Happily Ever After. Buy the book and get it signed ? Meet Author, Amy Botwinick. All those who show up for the book signing at 7:30 will be entered in a special prize drawing! Drawing takes place at 8 p.m.

The book signing:

Books & Books

March 11, 2006 8:00 P.M.

265 Aragon Ave.

Coral Gables, FL 33134


Event details, TBA

For interviews ? Contact Stacey Kumagai at 818-506-8675. For more information on Amy Botwinick?s book, (excerpts, info., ordering) http://www.todaysdivorcedwoman.com


Related Valentine Storie Press Releases

Source: http://www.our-love-stories.com/health-advice-for-hollywood-and-women-midpost-divorce-author-amy-botwinick-and-health-professionals-speak-out/

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Business Agility with ERP Systems, or How to React to Business ...

ERP and business agilityIn today?s ever-changing world, successful business leaders know that just-in-time decision making is of high value because their business environments appear to be very sensitive to real-time changes. And their ability to quickly and cost-effectively react to those changes makes it possible to ensure business agility. The way to make the businesses agile and highly responsive to both internal and external environments is through using a modern ERP system. ERP implementation allows the companies to operate nimbly, with no delay in decision making? Today we are going to talk about the advantages of using ERP systems in the context of business agility. This article describes how organizations can make their ability of change management more cost-effective and agile, through ERP deployment.

What is Business Agility?

First of all, let?s figure out what the term ?business agility? means. Below I give the definition of business agility:

Business Agility is the ability of a company to make rapid business-critical decisions in order to respond immediately to any changes happening within the operating environment. Because the decisions are made quickly and implemented cost-effectively, the company is able to adjust its business activities to the current market demands, and to take advantage of customer satisfaction.

An agile business is a business that is enabled to be responsive to any variation happening within the environment. This ability helps make just-in-time and informed decisions. Agility means that the company gains the four states, as follows:

  • Flexible: the company is able to cost-effectively vary the output within a certain range of conditions
  • Balanced: it operates with no surplus or deficit
  • Adapted: it has the ability to alter itself and its activity to the changed circumstances
  • Coordinated: it synchronizes and integrates business resources to ensure the success of specific objectives

So when we judge about the business agility of some organization, first we must look at how quickly the decisions are made and whether the company cost-effectively responds to the changing environment. We also need to check if the company reaches the flexibility, balance, adaptability and coordination in its decision making. Below I talk about how ERP systems can be helpful in reaching these four states of business agility.

Being Agile with ERP

In order for your business to be agile, you need to have a modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution deployed in your corporate environment. In Internet you can find a lot of ERP software examples. I personally used Google to search by the keyword ?ERP software reviews?. I found an interesting report (on this website: softwareresearchtools.com) showing top ERP solutions, with reference to their developers. The most popular solutions are:

Software Title



Orion 3i Infotech, Germany www.3i-infotech.com
E-Intelliprise American Software, Inc., United State www.amsoftware.com
Alcie Enterprise Edition ALCIE Integrated Solutions, Canada www.alcie.com
Ability 585 Ability LLC, United States www.ability585.com
1C Enterprise 8 ERP 1C Company, Russia www.v8.1c.ru/eng
ABAS Business Software ABAS Software Company, Germany www.abas-software.com
AIM Vision AIM Computer Solutions, United States www.aimcom.com
Impuls 5 BPSC SA, Poland www.bpsc.com


Having deployed one of these or other systems, your organization can start its way to business agility. Here are the steps you can take to ensure you make your business agile with your ERP solution.

  1. Analyze data with real-time business intelligence
  2. Encourage process improvements
  3. Benefit from mobile technology
  4. Ensure complete automation
  5. Leverage cloud architecture

Step #1. Analyze data with real-time business intelligence

The very first thing an ERP system must provide to you is the delivery of real-time business intelligence (BI) data. Immediate BI reports will let understand the company?s internal and external strengths and weaknesses and gain insight into the relationship between business processes. BI via ERP allows you to detect opportunities for innovation and cost reduction.

For example, you can use the power of ERP analytics to set the pricing for a new sales order, and then share this data immediately between the people and departments involved in sales activities. Real-time BI reports will show how the change is responded by the sales team and by the buyers as well. You do not spend valued time on analysis, but just extract the data directly from an ERP database and see what?s happening now. As a result, your business becomes more accurate and agile to the changes in sales.

Step #2. Encourage process improvements

Improvements to the process environment make your business activities error-free and thus more agile. Business agility can be reached, because ERP systems with strong process analytics and BI reports generate credible and incontrovertible real-life information about the current state of processes. You can see what processes work fine and what processes appears to be failing or have some troubles. This analytical data helps you understand what improvements are required.

For example, the inventory manager of your company needs to be sure there are no interruptions at production, sales and customer service levels. This person uses real-time ERP reports to perform immediate inventory analysis and understand what problem areas exist. ERP software allows for inventory control which is fully based upon the data retrieved on-the-fly from the ERP database.

Step #3. Benefit from mobile technology

Mobility helps improve business agility. It is the fact, and companies which use ERP systems are able to increase their sales and reach customer satisfaction. Mobile technology is another great way to make your business agile. ERP software in combination with mobile devises will give your business an opportunity for automatically triggering appropriate actions along the entire value chain. This combination enables you to save time and money while reaching higher return on investment.

For example, with a few clicks on a mobile device, one of your sales representatives can send the shipper a massage about the need to take the shipment off the dock immediately. Because an ERP system allows for process automation, the sales rep can update the order using his smartphone. The data will be added to the ERP database immediately, and the sales manager along with the account dept will be notified of the changed order and status of the shipment. As a result, the company is able to process sales orders much quicker and the customer is satisfied with immediate response.

Step #4. Ensure complete automation

ERP plays a supporting role in ensuring business agility through promoting process automation. Best practices of process automation incorporated into a single ERP solution help your organization perform activities faster and work more efficiently. You are provided with the additional capacity that lets your business be nimble and responsive to the changing environment.

Using modern ERP software solutions you can automate the collection of business data from across multiple functional areas and then develop analytical reports for making informed decisions. The data about sales, finances, administration, warehousing, HR and other areas is now automatically gathered and stored in a single ERP database. The relationships between the functional areas are fully automated as well, and your ERP system controls how the information flows are moved across the people and departments.

Step #5. Leverage cloud architecture

The key idea here is that you must use technological innovation to make your business agile. Modular design of ERP systems in combination with cloud computing allows you to lower any barriers that arise in front of technological innovation. ERP deployments and cloud architecture create the basis for your business to invest more effort in running business activities and less effort in worrying about IT environment.

For example, your company worries about the need to adopt IT enhancements and software upgrades and updates. Improvements to the IT environment require time and effort, and thus your business may be disrupted. However, with use of ERP systems you can reach the enhancements with much less business disruption and risk. ERP with cloud architecture enables you to focus on business issues rather than on IT transformation, which is actually run as a background process.


Business agility is the art of being able to react to business changes in a quick and cost-effective manner. It also means reaching flexibility, balance, adaptation and coordination in decision making. Once an organization gains these four states of business agility, it is able to operate with higher efficiency and ROI. And enterprise resources planning solutions will be the foundation for that organization to be agile. ERP implementation allows for real-time business intelligence, process improvements, mobile technology, process automation, and IT transformations.

Source: http://www.mymanagementguide.com/business-agility-erp-systems-how-react-business-changes/

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Shark gulps another shark whole

The photo says it all: an alien-looking shark, adorned with mossy hairs and a flat face, with its mouth agape and a slender bamboo shark headfirst inside. Though not unusual for a shark to snack on another shark, it's not typical behavior ? and it's certainly not common for humans to catch the action firsthand.

In fact, the researchers who came upon the shark-eat-shark scene on the fringes of Great Keppel Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef didn't realize at first what they were looking at.

"The white bamboo shark appeared first, and as we came closer, we suddenly realized that its head was not hidden under a ledge, as is usual, but in the mouth of the very well-camouflaged wobbegong," Daniela Ceccarelli of Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence (ARC) for Coral Reef Studies, told LiveScience, adding that "witnessing predation events like this is very rare."

Ceccarelli and David Williams, also of ARC, were conducting a fish census there on Aug. 1, 2011, when they spotted the sharks.

The eater in this party was a tasselled wobbegong shark (Eucrossorhinus dasypogon) more than 4 feet long (1.3 meter); the wobbegong's prey was a 3.2-foot-long (1 m) brown-banded bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum). Like other wobbegong species, this one is an ambush predator, lying in wait on the seabed and then attacking prey at high speed.

"It's not unusual for them to prey on other sharks, especially small sharks such as the bamboo shark, as they forage for invertebrates on the seabed," Ceccarelli said.

They watched the sharks for about 30 minutes, with neither shark moving during that stint. The wobbegong didn't further ingest the bamboo shark, the researchers note in a brief article published online Feb. 4 in the journal Coral Reefs. "We didn't observe the end of the predation event, but as the bamboo shark was most definitely dead, we assume that the wobbegong eventually consumed it," Ceccarelli said. The meal would likely have taken at least several more hours, the researchers point out in their paper.

Wobbegongs also have jaws that can dislocate, a large gape and sharp, rearward-pointing teeth, allowing them to grasp relatively large prey before swallowing it whole, the researchers noted.

Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook.

? 2012 LiveScience.com. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46413044/ns/technology_and_science-science/

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Somerville Aluminum Home Remodeling Enters Partnership with ...

Somerville, NJ (PRWEB) February 16, 2012

Family owned and operated since 1950, Somerville Aluminum prides itself on a strong connection with the surrounding community. In entering this partnership, Somerville Aluminum has agreed to donate $ 200 in the name of the customer to the Somerset Medical Center Foundation for every home remodeling project over $ 2000.

The Somerset Medical Center Foundation provides funding to Somerset Medical Center, the only hospital in Somerset County. The foundation was created to solicit and administer charitable funds on behalf of the medical center. Financial support, from local businesses such as Somerville Aluminum, make it possible for the medical center to keep up with technology, modernization, health and education programs and the recruitment of distinguished professionals. Support of the Somerset Medical Center Foundation makes a difference in the health care of the Somerset County community and ensures residents and employees throughout Central New Jersey receive the finest medical care possible.

?Somerville Aluminum is very excited to embark on this journey with the Somerset Medical Center Foundation,? said Gary Shiman, co-owner of Somerville Aluminum, ?We embrace the opportunity to give back to the community through such a fine hospital that serves the same people that our company has for over 62 years.?

Shiman added, ?We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the Somerset Medical Center Foundation for years to come.?

This unique promotion can be combined with any other valid Somerville Aluminum promotion. To receive the promotional donation, the homeowner need only mention seeing the Somerville Aluminum signs at Somerset Medical Center; these signs are located in the Somerset Medical Center Cafeteria and at the exit of the parking garage.

Paul Huegel, President of the Somerset Medical Center Foundation, is excited about the new partnership as well, ?Somerset Medical Center Foundation welcomes the opportunity to partner with well-respected and customer-friendly companies like Somerville Aluminum,? said Huegel, ?This promotion will not only directly benefit our medical center and allow us to continue to provide the highest quality healthcare to our community, but Somerville Aluminum customers will also receive the highest quality workmanship for their home improvement projects. We thank Somerville Aluminum for their support.?

The new partnership will last for five years. Please visit http://www.somervillealuminum.com for full details on the offer.

Go with the Pro: For over 60 years, Somerville Aluminum has been a fixture on Main Street in downtown Somerville, NJ. With customer satisfaction as their focus, Somerville Aluminum is the area?s largest full service home remodeling company and has built a reputation for reliability, expertise and trust with their core family values lacing through three generations of service to Central Jersey homeowners. Their certified staff and design team practices and promotes a ?green? home and way of life, are lead certified, and partners only with vendors providing the same exceptional quality and service their customers have come to expect. Recently named ?Best of the Best in Central Jersey?, Brothers-in-law Gary Shiman and David Gropper approach each day and each job with their customers as their number one priority and strive to assure them that their home is in good hands. To learn more about the Somerville Aluminum Home Remodeling and Design Team, please visit http://www.somervillealuminum.com or call 908-725-8401.

Follow them on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/gowiththepro.

To make a donation to the Somerset Medical Center Foundation, please visit http://www.smcfoundation.com.


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Source: http://blog.sugubo.com/?p=1396

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Thailand: Iranians' targets were Israeli diplomats (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Thai immigration officers escort detained Iranian Mohammad Kharzei, center, at the immigration headquarters in Bangkok on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012. Kharzei and two fellow Iranians arrested after accidentally setting off an explosives cache in Bangkok were planning to attack Israeli diplomats, Thailand's police chief said Thursday, the first confirmation by local officials that the group was plotting terror attacks in the Southeast Asian country.(AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit)AP - Three Iranians detained after accidentally setting off explosives in Bangkok were planning to attack Israeli diplomats, Thailand's top policeman said Thursday in the first confirmation by local officials that the group was plotting attacks in Thailand.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/asia/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120216/ap_on_re_as/israel_attacks

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Assad proposes referendum in strifetorn Syria (Reuters)

AMMAN/BEIRUT (Reuters) ? Syrian opposition leaders and the West have scorned a new offer by President Bashar al-Assad to hold multi-party elections, as his troops mounted more attacks on rebel-held areas.

Assad promised a referendum in two weeks' time on a new constitution leading to elections within 90 days, but made clear he still planned to crush the uprising against him by force.

The military unleashed a new offensive in Hama, a city with a bloody history of resistance to Assad's late father Hafez al-Assad, firing at residential neighborhoods with anti-aircraft guns mounted on armored vehicles, opposition activists said.

France said it was negotiating a new U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria with Russia, Assad's ally and main arms supplier, and wanted to create humanitarian corridors to ease the plight of civilians caught up in the violence.

Army shelling and sniper fire have killed at least five people and wounded 50 in Hama in the last 36 hours, according to a statement by activists in the city, 240 kms (150 miles) north of Damascus.

"Hama is besieged by tanks and ... amour. No civilian movement is allowed in the northern section of the city. A large campaign of arrests and house to house searches is under way to scare inhabitants and prevent them from sheltering the Free Syrian Army," the statement said, referring to army defectors.

"Electricity is cut in the neighborhoods that came under attack. All communications and the Internet in Hama have been severed," said the statement, relayed by opposition sources in contact with the city by satellite phone.

Tight media restrictions have made it impossible to confirm the accounts of the opposition or those of the authorities who say security forces are battling "terrorists" across the country.

The state news agency said security forces "chased and fought with an armed terrorist group in the Hamidiya neighborhood of Hama that has been terrifying citizens" and arrested some of its members, who had automatic rifles and rocket propelled grenades.

Artillery shelled parts of Homs for the 13th day in a row. The Local Coordination Committees, an activist group, said at least four people were killed on Wednesday by army fire concentrated on Baba Amro district, a Sunni neighborhood.

Sunni districts of Homs have been at the forefront of opposition to Assad, who belongs to the minority Alawite sect that has dominated Syria for the last five decades.

In Damascus, troops killed at least two youth when they swept into the Barzeh district, searching houses and making arrests, witnesses said.


French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe told French radio "The idea of humanitarian corridors that I previously proposed to allow NGOs to reach the zones where there are scandalous massacres should be discussed at the Security Council."

He said a U.N. General Assembly vote on Thursday on a non-binding resolution on Syria would be "symbolic." It follows a February 4 veto by Russia and China of a draft Security Council resolution that backed an Arab League call for Assad to quit.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he would listen to Juppe, but added: "If the plan is to use the Security Council and United Nations to adopt some language to help legitimize regime change, then I'm afraid international law does not allow this and we cannot support such an approach."

Lavrov said later "If leading members of the international community demand regime change as a condition for everything else, then we are convinced ... this is the way to a full civil war with unforeseeable consequences."

Diplomats said Arab delegations had rejected proposed Russian amendments which would weaken the Assembly resolution.

The Arab League wants a joint U.N.-Arab peacekeeping force to be deployed in Syria and has adopted a resolution that would allow its members to arm Syrian rebels.

Libya's interim leader, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, said the exiled opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) would be allowed to open an office in Tripoli. "We support the Syrian people and their aspirations," he said.

SNC members re-elected Burhan Ghalioun as its head at a meeting in the Qatari capital Doha on Wednesday.

The SNC hopes to gain international standing at a "Friends of Syria" meeting on February 24 in Tunisia. SNC Secretary General Wael Merza said 74 countries and organizations would be there.

In Homs, a YouTube video showed a doctor who gave his name as Mohammad al-Mohammad at a makeshift hospital in Baba Amro holding the body of a man with a bullet hole in the neck.

"Baba Amro is celebrating one martyr after the other ... Is the blood of Muslims in Syria so cheap? We make an appeal to Arabs, to Christians, to everyone who believes there is a God," he said.


Syrian state media said on Wednesday a draft constitution to be put to a vote on February 26 would establish a multi-party system in Syria, under Baath Party rule since 1963. Parliamentary elections would follow within 90 days of its approval.

New parties could not be based on a religion or on regional interests, which appeared to exclude the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood or autonomy-seeking Kurdish parties.

The constitution would allow the president to be elected for two seven-year terms. Assad's late father Hafez was president for 29 years and was succeeded by his son when he died in 2000.

Melhem al-Droubi, a member of the SNC and the Muslim Brotherhood, told Reuters that Assad must resign now.

"The truth is that Bashar al-Assad has increased the killing and slaughter in Syria. He has lost his legitimacy and we aren't interested in his rotten constitutions, old or new," he said.

The United States also dismissed the referendum plan.

"Promises of reforms have been usually followed by increases

in brutality and have never been delivered upon by this regime since the beginning of peaceful demonstrations in Syria," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

"The Assad regime's days are numbered."

Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation Thomas Countryman said the United States was "deeply concerned" about arms transfers from Iran to Syria.

He said Iran was supplying weapons that could be used against protesters, as was Russia. The United States is also concerned about the "tens of thousands" of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles Syria is believed to possess, he added.

The Syrian leader dismisses the revolt as the work of terrorists backed by a conspiracy of enemy nations.

Thousands of civilians have been killed since the uprising began in March, inspired by other Arab revolts. The government says more than 2,000 soldiers and police have been killed.

(Writing by Angus MacSwan in Beirut; editing by Tim Pearce)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120216/wl_nm/us_syria

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Man killed in dog poop dispute: cops

A neighborly dispute over dog poop led to the shooting death of a 47-year-old father, according to Philadelphia police. WCAU-TV's Claudia Rivero reports.

By David Chang and Dan Stamm, NBCPhiladelphia.com

A neighborly dispute over dog poop turned deadly in the Tacony section of Philadelphia.

It happened?just after?4 p.m. Tuesday on the 6500 block of Torresdale Avenue.?Tyrirk Harris, 27,?is accused of killing his 47-year-old neighbor Franklin Manuel Santana, according to Philadelphia Police.

Cops?say?Santana confronted?Harris over his dogs.

For more, visit NBCPhiladelphia.com

"A German Shepherd and a Chihuahua?-- these dogs were running free," said Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small. "There were dog feces on several of the neighbor's yards. That's what led to this particular confrontation."

Police say Harris then?pulled out a 9-mm handgun and shot his neighbor several times, striking?Santana twice in the neck.

"He didn't run," said one witness. "He stood there, shocked that he did what he did."

Harris at one time was licensed to carry?a gun but had it revoked at some point, according to investigators.

The shooting was apparently the boiling point of an ongoing dispute.

"We believe this is not an isolated incident," said Small. "There have been arguments over these dogs in the past."

Neighbors say the victim left behind a wife and a 2-month-old baby.

"It's a shame," said one neighbor. "It's a shame that our world has gotten so bad like this."

"There's no need to die over a dog," said another neighbor. "That's ridiculous."?

Harris?was charged with murder early Wednesday.

More content from msnbc.com and NBC News

Source: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/02/15/10416201-man-killed-in-dog-poop-dispute-cops

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Speedy Methods Of Photovoltaic Solar Systems Around The UK ...

Save power and financial resources by using passive solar energy heating systems. Use winter window treatments fitted whilst keeping them open throughout the bright and sunny part of the day during winter and closed throughout the sunny portion of the daytime in summertime. Don?t forget to seal out breezes around doors and windows for preventing unwelcome hot or cold air flow from entering. Electric power may be gained by employing solar panels for the homes which have been usually attached to the roof.

Something that several people don?t realize about green energy is that it saves money on electricity for your home! While there are numerous benefits for the environment, going green is a great way to cut costs and even, get tax breaks! Read this article for tips on making green energy affordable.

Check out the Green Power Network website to find out if there is a green power alternative available in your area. Consider switching to green power if there is a good service available in your area and if you can afford to. You might be able to get a tax rebate in some states.

home solar energy may perhaps be expensive, however they are an intelligent home betterment upgrade. If you can get off the grid totally, it can save you thousands of dollars in power prices annually. Remember that you should also switch to energy-efficient home appliances which don?t draw an excessive amount of power from the panels.

Solar Panel Assistance

Boosting your home?s energy efficiency is a kind of home upgrading that may supply significant dividends in both the short and long time period. Feasible betterments to consider are: installing solar powered energy on the roof structure, cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and exchanging any single-glazed windows by using double-glazed or perhaps even triple-glazed windows.

Improving your home?s energy efficiency is a type of home improvement that could deliver significant returns in both the short and long term. Possible improvements to consider are: installing solar panels on your roof, cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and replacing any single-glazed windows with double-glazed or even triple-glazed windows.

Thinking About Secrets Of Solar Lighting Choices

While individual solar lights are very affordable and available in a variety of styles, these lights serve little more than decorative purpose. If you truly need lighting that will highlight a walkway and illuminate your path, invest in electric models. While these are typically more expensive, they are reliable and will last for many more years than most solar models.

A Spotlight On Effective Products Of Solar Panel Systems

You certainly know already the answer to the quandary what is a solar panel. Strategically placed on the roof structure, you may utilize the solar powered energy of the sun as well as turn it into a regular source of totally free power. You will discover many solar energy companies that are producing residential solar cell panels today, and prices have fell substantially in the prior 1.5 years, making solar energy much more affordable. Installing a solar energy system is going to return rewards in the form of useful financial savings on utility charges for a long time into the future. For any home-owner who may be focused on the environment, renewable solar energy offers a very clean way to take advantage of the sun?s energy. There is no question that active solar heating systems, which are ordinarily mounted upon the roof, are very eco-friendly and cost practically nothing to perform after soaking up your initial purchase and installation expenditure.

When it comes to home improvement, consider adding solar energy cells to your house. While the upfront cost may be large, you may find it to be a wise investment in comparison to the rising costs of electricity. This will save on your monthly electric bills, because the most of your energy will come from the energy you are storing. This is a good, natural solution to powering your house.

Invest in solar panels to fuel parts of your home?s energy. These panels not only reduce your carbon footprint, but they translate into lower energy bills because they reduce the amount of energy you use overall. These panels collect and store power naturally, so you can power, light or heat your home in an environmentally friendly way. Improving your home?s energy efficiency is a type of home improvement that could deliver significant returns in both the short and long term. Possible improvements to consider are: installing solar panels on your roof, cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and replacing any single-glazed windows with double-glazed or even triple-glazed windows.

Aspects For Active solar Heating ? An A-Z

Solar panels are a good way to be able to help to make your home eco-friendly as well as save some costs in the long run. Solar heating systems can be used for heating the house and supplying additional readily available electricity for your own use. In addition, the federal government provides a tax break for those who make use of as well as who have installed residential solar panels on their household.

Ideally this info is likely to make your upcoming undertaking a breeze. It?s not only easy to finish home improvement jobs when you do them right, it is usually addicting, as well. Doing good work will lead a person to signing up for innovative, more formidable initiatives. As long as you don?t forget to inform yourself thoroughly in advance, the sky?s the limit. Get going right now, and you will be likely to see the added benefits of adding house solar panels quickly.

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Source: http://www.nchousedemocrats.com/speedy-methods-of-photovoltaic-solar-systems-around-the-uk/

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